Empleada del hogar haciendo la cama

Subsidy for domestic workers and workers with a temporary contract

Who is entitled to the subsidy for domestic workers and temporary workers? Persons registered as domestic employees before the state of alarm came into force will be entitled to the subsidy for temporary employees and workers: who have stopped providing services in one or more homes, totally or partially, to reduce the risk of transmission due to the health crisis of the Covid-19. Also those who have been subject to dismissal or withdrawal from contract during the health…

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Man holding a euro in his hand


The government of the Generalitat has approved this Tuesday, April 28, the regulation of the Law of the Guaranteed Income of Citizenship (RGC) that extends to various vulnerable groups and will allow the aid to be received, even if they work part-time: Large families. The long-term unemployed over 55 years of age. It includes women victims of sexist violence as beneficiaries. WHAT IS GUARANTEED CITIZENSHIP INCOME (RGC)? The Guaranteed Citizenship Income (RGC) is the social benefit through which the…

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Woman desperate for her debts


According to Royal Decree Law 11/2020 of March 31. ECONOMIC VULNERABILITY: AUTOMATIC APPLICATION OF THE MORATORIUM ON LEASE DEBT in the case of large holders and companies or public housing entities. Who can request the postponement of the rent? People in the event of economic vulnerability due to the coronavirus who, in the month prior to the request for the postponement, become: Unemployed. in ERTE. They have reduced their working hours due to caring for the elderly…

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