Juicio Monitorio: Cómo cobrar una factura impagada de forma rápida y económica

Order for payment: How to collect an unpaid invoice quickly and inexpensively

If you are self-employed or a company, claiming unpaid invoices can be a headache. Fortunately, the order for payment lawsuit is a quick, simple and economical way to claim payment of these invoices without the need for lawyers or solicitors at its inception. 📄 What is an order for payment judgment? The payment order is a simplified judicial procedure that allows to claim debts in an efficient way. Upon presentation of a writ with evidence of the debt (invoices,…

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Emprendedora revisando la situación su negocio

How to help my company survive the POST PANDEMIC environment we live in and the race of the digital age

People first. Prior to the PANDEMICthere was talk that we lived together at a business and personal level in enviroments V.U.C.A Volatility – Uncertainty – Complexity – Ambiguity, however in a pandemic situation and later, the environment has already jumped to the famous B.A.N.I, don’t you know what it is? Well, I’ll tell you quickly so that we can situate ourselves, the environment BANI: Brittle, Brittle – Anxious, Anxious, impatient – Nonlinear, Nonlinear-Incomprehensible, Incomprehensible. It…

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Autónomo emprendedor revisando documentación de su empresa

Why is it important to do the taxes with a professional?

Have you ever wondered why there is such a big price difference when hiring a service to file your income statement. When the time comes to pay your taxes, the most normal thing is that we search Google, Wallapop, Milanuncios or other platforms where services can be offered, the variety in prices is even more curious. How is it possible that for a Can they charge you 20, 30 or 40 euros for the same service? Cheap is expensive. Popular…

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Emprendedor estudia la mejor manera de abrir su propio negocio

Do you want to create a company but do not know which is the most beneficial business form for you?

The Collective Partnership (SC) and the Limited Partnership (SL) They are two very different figures for the constitution of a company. In this article we will explain the main characteristics of each of them and their most notable advantages and disadvantages. What is a General Partnership and a Limited Partnership? The Limited society (SL), also known as Limited Liability Company (SRL) is a type of Mercantile Company that is regulated in the Capital…

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Abogado explicando a cliente sus derechos laborales


1.- I COLLECT UNEMPLOYMENT AND WANT TO START A BUSINESS, WHAT EXPENSES CAN I CALL AS NECESSARY INVESTMENT TO CAPITALIZE THE BENEFIT? If you want to capitalize the unemployment benefit to start a business, an investment is understood to be any expense you make to acquire assets or rights that make up the business assets as part of the asset (for example, a property, machinery or computer equipment, furniture, merchandise, leasing, etc…) and that are necessary for the start-up…

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Empleada deja su puesto de trabajo después de ser despedida


1.- CAN I COLLECT UNEMPLOYMENT AFTER A VOLUNTARY LEAVE? If you leave a job voluntarily, you cannot receive the unemployment benefit since, according to the legal regulations, in order to collect an unemployment benefit it is necessary that the leave of employment has not occurred voluntarily, since the Unemployment protection protects working people who want and can work but are unemployed. If you later work in a new company and you are fired for not passing the trial period by…

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Chica joven teletrabajando desde su casa


On September 22, the new telecommuting regulations were regulated by Royal Decree-Law 28/2020, of September 22. Approximately three months have passed for the Government, employers and unions to agree on the new regulation of the Distance Work Law. Thanks to this Royal Decree, there will be a development of the figure of Teleworking. Until now it was regulated in the Workers’ Statute, but in a very generic way. This new regulation, however, recognizes the great importance of collective bargaining. …

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