What is it and what requirements do you have to meet?

The Arraigo Report is a document that serves to prove social integration in the process of obtaining an exceptional temporary residence permit (social roots).

To process it, we must make an appointment at the Town Hall. It is important to know that in order for it to be processed, you must be a non-EU foreigner. In addition, you must be of legal age (or over 16 with the authorization of the legal representative). Last but not least, you must be in an irregular administrative situation or with an authorized stay for reasons of international protection.

Does it have any cost?

It is totally free.

What documentation do I need?

To process it, you need:

  1. Application form.
  2. Complete copy of the valid passport.
  3. Municipal register flyer and Certificate of historical registration.
  4. Certificate of training courses
  5. Certificate of the 45-hour Catalan course.
  6. Economic means at your disposal, such as a work contract.

Deadlines? Who issues it?

The report can be requested at any time. Once they receive all the documentation, they will interview you and send it to your home within 1-2 months. This report will be issued the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families, through the Secretariat of Equality, Migrations and Citizenship, and will state whether the degree of social integration of the person concerned is favorable or unfavorable.

Anna Nicolàs Torán

Lawyer at Martinez & Caballero Abogados