How to prioritize your family with the single parent card

Madre soltera de familia monoparental cuidando a su hija
If having a family implies having great responsibilities, it can be said that, in the case of single-parent families, these responsibilities are doubled. And here we are not only referring to financial responsibilities, but to all the daily efforts made to promote the best conditions and opportunities for children. What many do not know is that having the recognition of the title of large family can be beneficial in several ways and this is what we are going to discuss in this article.
First of all, it is essential to define a single-parent family as one that is composed of a single parent (mother, father or legal guardian) and one or more children aged twenty-one, or twenty-six if they are studying. According to the INE, the number of single-parent households in 2020 is 1,944,800, with 81.40% consisting of mothers and children.

In order for these families to benefit from a series of bonuses, advantages and benefits, it is necessary to prove their status as a large family to their autonomous community. In the case of Catalonia, for example, the application must be sent to the Departament de Treball, Afers Social i Famílies, of the Generalitat de Catalunya. It is a simple application, which can be made in person (by appointment) or electronically, as long as the applicant has a valid digital certificate, or a cl@ve or IdCAT Mobile certificate. The general documentation for a first application consists of:

  • DNI/NIF/NIE of the parent applicant and of the sons or daughters over 18 years of age who are part of the family unit.
  • Complete family book(s) or judgment, notarial act or administrative resolution of the adoption, only in the case that this document has not been previously delivered to the Catalan Institute of Foster Care and Adoption or that does not appear in the family book; or judicial resolution of guardianship, or administrative resolution of foster care.
As we say in Martínez & Caballero Abogados, each case is a case, and depending on the conditions of the family, as in cases of divorce, widowhood and/or adoption, the required documentation may be a little more extensive, taking into account that everything must be thoroughly indicated to the Administration, and thus, guarantee that the request is resolved favorably in a fast and optimal way.
Once the title of large family is recognized, many advantages will be available, whether in the educational and cultural field, health, tax, public transport and other administrations. Shall we highlight the main ones?
  • Financial assistance for a dependent minor child.
  • Discounts on public transportation tickets.
  • Discount of up to 50% of the public price of public kindergartens.
  • Deduction in the income tax return.
  • 45% rebate on Social Security contributions for personnel hired for home and child care.
  • Direct assistance in the down payment for the acquisition of subsidized housing.
  • Free family hosteller’s card (with this card, all members of the single-parent family unit can stay in the hostels).
  • Access to Minimum Living Income.
  • Exemption from payment of administrative fees for the Spanish ID card and passport.
  • Discounts on admission to museums, sports and cultural centers.
We could go on with the list of aids and benefits available to single-parent families, because there are so many! But we would like to highlight the importance of this management, which, at first glance, seems to be too bureaucratic, but which opens doors for the whole family, making it possible for the home to be healthier and safer, both in the short and long term, allowing the person responsible for the family to reconcile professional and personal responsibilities and for his children to enjoy opportunities rich in value and meaning.

We encourage you to contact our administrative department, so that you know exactly the step by step process to obtain your degree. Prioritize your family by prioritizing your rights with us, we have a team trained to help you and your loved ones.

Júlia Oliveira
Administrative Assistant
Martínez Caballero Abogados

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